Laser Facial

Laser resurfacing is a treatment to reduce facial wrinkles and skin irregularities, such as blemishes or acne scars. Laser resurfacing is one of the most effective techniques for treating a variety of skin conditions. The minimally invasive treatment method ablates the skin’s outer surface, stimulating the body’s natural healing process. This regeneration process helps eliminate dull, damaged skin cells and can promote a healthier, more vibrant-looking complexion. Laser treatments are effective for treating diverse skin conditions such as dark spots, melasma.

Before & After

LaseMD Ultra Facial  in Santa Clarita, CA

LaseMD Ultra Facial is an innovative laser treatment designed to rejuvenate and address various skin concerns. Using advanced laser technology, LaseMD Ultra Facial delivers short, concentrated, pulsating beams of light to the skin’s surface, targeting irregularities and promoting the body’s natural healing process. As a result of removing damaged skin cells layer by layer and stimulating collagen production in the underlying dermis, this minimally invasive procedure effectively lessens the appearance of wrinkles, scars, dark spots, and other skin imperfections. LaseMD Ultra Facial in Santa Clarita, CA, is highly flexible and can improve skin texture, even out pigmentation, tighten the skin, and remove benign lesions, providing patients with a smoother, firmer, and more radiant complexion.

Restore your skin’s youthful glow at Mind Body Infusion in Santa Clarita, CA. Improve your skincare routine by indulging in our exclusive LaseMD Ultra Facial treatment. Our professionals are dedicated to delivering personalized care according to your unique needs, ensuring that each visit leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Schedule an appointment today and enjoy the radiant, luminous complexion you deserve.

Benefits of laser facial include:

  • Skin appears smoother, and wrinkles appear less visible.
  • Enhances skin texture and tone.
  • Reduces blemishes and acne scars.
  • It evens out pigmentation and reduces dark spots.
  • Tightens and firms the skin.
  • Stimulates collagen production for long-term skin rejuvenation.
  • It is minimally invasive with minimal downtime.
  • An effective treatment suitable for a wide range of skin concerns.
  • Provides a smoother, firmer, and more radiant complexion.
  • Enhances overall skin health and vitality.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Laser resurfacing uses lasers to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars, and to even out skin coloring (pigmentation).

The laser technique directs short, concentrated pulsating light beams at irregular skin. Laser skin resurfacing removes skin very precisely, layer-by-layer by vaporizing it. Lasers remove the outer layer of your skin – the epidermis – and heats the underlying layer, called the dermis. The lasers stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers, resulting in new, smoother, and firmer skin. This popular procedure is known by several other names, including lasabrasion, laser peel or laser vaporization.

You may be an ideal candidate for laser skin resurfacing if you have:

  • Uneven skin pigmentation.
  • Skin scars or birthmarks.
  • Sun-damaged skin.
  • Non-responsive skin after a facelift.
  • Fine lines or wrinkles around or under the eyes, forehead or mouth
  • Enlarged oil glands on your nose.